This post will be about the #Apple #AirPods being used as #HearingAids
If you can afford the $150 tomorrow, do it!
In the month I have had them, they have been wonderful.
Noise cancellation keeps the screaming chef at a tolerable volume.
The cell phones ringing at top volume, and residents using speaker phone at top volume almost can’t be heard from 20 feet away.
I can clearly hear in meetings when the speaker uses a microphone, and don’t have to turn them off.
The hearing aids I had were great when I first got them. However, the fire alarms going off as much as they did, and the screaming chef, had managed to totally mangle them after just two years. They did not have any noise cancellation features at all!
And somehow, every time the hearing aid adjuster would visit, they had turned themselves to max, so even a whisper felt like a scream in my ears. I cried from the constant pain. And the phone program could not set them back by themselves.
Setting up the AirPods was easy. They instantly attached to my phone, Ipad, and Mac. My hearing aids had taken an hour to connect to my phone, and never did connect to the ipad or Mac, though they should have.
The noise cancellation means I can be out and about. Or at least go to meals.
There are only 2 downsides.
1. I had to make braided leashes to attach them to my glasses, for fear of the falling out.
2. The left one has some kind of noise issue. Just turn on background sounds to the lowest setting every time you put them in.
And yes, the battery only lasts about six hours. However, the case can charge them without it being plugged in. And my ears enjoy a 45 minute break while they recharge for the afternoon.
I am rarely so happy with a purchase.
And honestly, even if you bought two of them, and Apple Care, that is still only about 1/10 of the cost of hearing aids that do not have noise cancellation.
I was told I would need to replace my hearing aids, and that would be over $2,000.
For $300, I have Apple Air Pods that do so much better for reverse slope hearing loss!
I wouldn’t mind if I could turn them up just a smidge, especially my left, almost completely deaf ear.
However, I think these will last far longer than my last hearing aids.
Even with the occasional $20 cost for ear tip replacements.