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‘It’s always amazing that family members or close friends still don’t understand why we don’t hear perfectly with hearing aids.

They ask: do you have your things in?

This is very frustrating and, because it’s family, I don’t bother trying to hide it.’

This is me. Daily! The assumption that HAs are a cure, not an adaptive technology.


Handling Hearing Loss Frustrations Without Losing Your S**T | Hearing Health & Technology MattersHearing Health & Technology Matters

I review #HearingAids as a community service. I have hearing loss and use aids to hear better. I started doing reviews 7 years ago and it's caught on. I get aids to review and I post them on YouTube. Free reviews, no alliance with the manufacturers. I am surprised they don't take advantage of them...until now. My most recent review was advertised by the maker. It's gotten hundreds of views and over 100 a day since I posted it. Seems just rational, but almost none of them do.

A contact of mine (from #YACF ) has drawn up a webpage as an attempt to explain a few key things about deafness, hearing aids and 'hearing as a deaf person' in the hope it will help deaf and hearing people understand and communicate better and more kindl

It includes a lot of extremely useful information and advice - give it a read. You don't know when you'll next meet someone with hearing difficulties.

#deaf #deafcommunity #hearing #hearingloss #HearingAids

barakta's Deaf Symbol

Does anyone else have #Oticon #HearingAids ?

I had to switch back to an iPhone, because the connectivity on my Android was poor and they would restart sometimes twice a day.

Has anyone "solved" this? I need them connected persistently for audio notifications, I often miss the vibrate-only ones.

Parę przemyśleń jako osoba z aparatami słuchowymi żyjąca w Polsce:

1. Polecam kupować baterie do aparatów z hurtowni. Grafika poniżej. Ceny zaobserwowane w moim otoczeniu.

2. Protetycy słuchu nie zawsze wiedzą co jest dobre dla młodej osoby głuchej/słabosłyszącej. Warto powiedzieć, że jakiś dźwięk boli albo by zrobili tak by np własny głos był cichszy w takiej i takiej sytuacji. Często spotykam się z traktowaniem jak klienta 80+ późnoogłuchłego a nie młodą osobę głuchą od urodzenia.

3. Aparaty to technologia wspierająca, więc warto podejść cyberpunkowo. Warto korzystać z wszystkich ciekawych opcji technologii, których nie ma normalny słuch - ale warto pamiętać, aby coś zostawić dla mózgu aby sam się nauczył np wyciszać, wyłapywać dźwięk itd. Zatem nie całkowita automatyzacja, aby nie utracić tej umiejętności słyszenia, ale wciąż.

4. Pętle indukcyjne są dostępne w wielu miejscach, ale obsługujący je często nie wiedzą, jak ich używać, a czasem nawet, jak się to nazywa. Nawet protetycy słuchu mogą źle ustawić odbiór pętli w aparatach.

5. Parowanie urządzeń łączących z aparatami słuchowymi jest trudne, bo nie da się zobaczyć, jak aparat reaguje ani jaki jest jego stan. Nie da się parować za bardzo bez strzelania na ślepo z włączaniem i wyłączaniem.

6. Większość ustawień aparatów słuchowych można zmienić tylko u protetyka, ponieważ urządzenia regulujące aparaty są dostępne tylko dla takich firm. Odbiera mi to kontrolę nad własnym słuchem i zmusza do wielokrotnych wizyt, aż protetyk ustawi wszystko poprawnie. Rozumiem, że chodzi o ochronę przed uszkodzeniem sobie słuchu, ale powinno to działać jak wybór systemu Windows-Linux czy zakup zapalniczki – na własną odpowiedzialność.

7. Mam teorię, że słuchawki douszne dla muzyków obsługujące do 120db podgłośnienia dają o wiele czystszy i szerszy zakres dźwięków niż aparaty słuchowe, które skupiają się tylko na zakresie mowy. No i są tańsze od aparatów o kilka tysięcy. Muszę to bardziej przetestować.

8. Kolejny vent coming...

#accesibility #hearingaids

This post will be about the #Apple #AirPods being used as #HearingAids

If you can afford the $150 tomorrow, do it!

In the month I have had them, they have been wonderful.

Noise cancellation keeps the screaming chef at a tolerable volume.

The cell phones ringing at top volume, and residents using speaker phone at top volume almost can’t be heard from 20 feet away.

I can clearly hear in meetings when the speaker uses a microphone, and don’t have to turn them off.

The hearing aids I had were great when I first got them. However, the fire alarms going off as much as they did, and the screaming chef, had managed to totally mangle them after just two years. They did not have any noise cancellation features at all!

And somehow, every time the hearing aid adjuster would visit, they had turned themselves to max, so even a whisper felt like a scream in my ears. I cried from the constant pain. And the phone program could not set them back by themselves.

Setting up the AirPods was easy. They instantly attached to my phone, Ipad, and Mac. My hearing aids had taken an hour to connect to my phone, and never did connect to the ipad or Mac, though they should have.

The noise cancellation means I can be out and about. Or at least go to meals.

There are only 2 downsides.

1. I had to make braided leashes to attach them to my glasses, for fear of the falling out.

2. The left one has some kind of noise issue. Just turn on background sounds to the lowest setting every time you put them in.

And yes, the battery only lasts about six hours. However, the case can charge them without it being plugged in. And my ears enjoy a 45 minute break while they recharge for the afternoon.

I am rarely so happy with a purchase.

And honestly, even if you bought two of them, and Apple Care, that is still only about 1/10 of the cost of hearing aids that do not have noise cancellation.

I was told I would need to replace my hearing aids, and that would be over $2,000.

For $300, I have Apple Air Pods that do so much better for reverse slope hearing loss!

I wouldn’t mind if I could turn them up just a smidge, especially my left, almost completely deaf ear.

However, I think these will last far longer than my last hearing aids.

Even with the occasional $20 cost for ear tip replacements.

Was involved in a hearing hacking discussion at $event recently, and it occurred to me that I never did write up the Phonak Roger 101 guide that I'd meant to awhile back. So now I have! If you're interested in hearing aid hacking/putting together assistive listening FM systems for cheaper/etc. then this might interest you. Also if you just like reading about weird hardware you have no use for, that too ;) #hearingaids #hearing

For the last year, I've been on a quest to find OTC hearing aids that I like. The first one I didn't like how they were so susceptiple to wind noise. The second pair lasted 2 days before one crapped out.

Just took delivery of a new set of Apple AirPods Pro 2, their first product that can work as hearing aids.

So far, I'm loving them. I'll try updating this as I get more experience with them, but here are the best features:

1. Price, only $250. The other two examples I tried were $900 and $500. Plus for that price you get an awesome set of music buds.

#OTChearingaids #Apple #airpod2pro #hearingaids

Very annoying issue on Class 800 trains - when the train is accelerating using the electric motor, my hearing aids produce a rapid pulsing squeal. If I take them out, there's zero sound for everyone else - it is EM induction from the motors producing it directly in the hearing aids.

To put the sound on a scale - when it can be heard, it drowns out all other sound.

So, I'm guessing the trains and the motors don't have great EM shielding.

#UKRail #Class800 #HearingAids #Trains

Apple ipods as hearing aids, very exciting development!

"Today, prescription hearing aids still cost thousands of dollars. OTC devices cost significantly less. The generic preset ones sell for roughly $100 and the more personalized self-fitting ones around $1,000. The hearing aid from Apple will essentially perform like the expensive devices for the price of the cheaper ones at $249. And for those who already own the AirPods Pro 2, it won’t cost anything extra. "

#psychology #neuroscience #audiology #hearing #hearingaids

“Apple being granted the first ever authorization for over-the-counter hearing aid software if a big deal.

When the feature debuts later this year, AirPods Pro are set to provide even more utility than ever before.”

#AirPodsPro2 #HearingAidFeature #iOS18 #AppleEvent #HearingAids #HearingLoss #Health

Apple just got authorization for AirPods Pro 2’s hearing aid feature - 9to5Mac9to5Mac